selfless San Diego (California) Police Officers risk their lives to save man from submerged van……………

“Hi, I’m flooding, I’m stuck in a car and the car’s flooding and I need help” – Two fast-acting, selfless San Diego (California) Police Officers risk their lives to save man from submerged van: On 21 November 2145hours, a 911 call came in from a 20 year old male driver stating he had gotten caught up in the flood waters and his van was stuck. His windows and doors would not open … and he was sinking. SDPD Officer Richard Perkins and Officer Dudley Ward arrived on scene and assessed. They could see the man flailing his arms from inside the van and calling for help. The Officers were going to wait for lifeguards and fire rescue to arrive since they were not equipped with the right gear and not trained in water rescue … but that choice was quickly erased as the van began to sink further. The Officers had to act fast … and they did just that …


Stripping off their utility belts and with no hesitation nor reservation, this Dynamic Duo waded into the chest-deep freezing dirty water and worked their way to the van and trapped driver. Officer Ward was able to break the window and the two Officers cleared away the glass and pulled the driver out. They then helped him out of the water and placed him on the warm hood of the patrol vehicle, knowing that hypothermia was a serious risk. The driver repeatedly thanked his life-savers. As they turned around, the van had sunk to its roof.
Paramedics treated all three for exposure to the cold water and did further evaluation since the water was so filthy. Ofc. Perkins took a tetanus booster as a precaution. The driver is resting at home … happy to be alive.
Brother Richard and Dudley represented us all in the finest of fashion … reminding the People that as much as we want to catch the bad guys, our greatest rewards come from saving a life. They remind us that no matter the call, we have to always be prepared to make quick assessments and act accordingly. Both of these Officers do not consider themselves Heroes and say they were just doing their job. Well, yeah but that is why WE are here … to Honor and recognize our humble Warriors.
So on behalf of all your Brothers and Sisters at True Blue Warriors, we thank you Officer Richard Perkins and Officer Dudley Ward for a job well done. You are True Blue Heroes. WAY TO GO BROTHERS!!!
(Ofc. Perkins, 42, is a married father of three and 14 year veteran to the force. Ofc. Ward, 28, who came to the United States from England, is engaged to be married, and a 5 year veteran to the force)
~written by Nessie for True Blue Warriors~
copyright2013 Nessie/Truebluewarriors



Posted with Permission..  ~Nessie~


About gems3125

I like to create sparkle and glitter artwork pictures and landscape type picture art. Also into creating designs for use with websites.
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